“I will want my kids to go to the same school I went to because, for me, Two Rivers Farm School was the best thing that happened to me. A bold statement, I know, but trust me, I mean it. For me, school was exciting, a place to learn new things. It gave me my love of learning and reading. It is where I learned to love. And where I found a community of people I could trust with my life. There are other parts of my life that have also influenced who I am today, but the teachers and friends from TRFS showed me how to deal with things as they come.”
— Alumni
“My time at the farm school taught me many things, but above all, it taught me to be myself and to trust in myself. I am eternally grateful for the freedom I was granted to explore myself and the world around me without judgment and for the loving encouragement I received to continually pursue my unique interests. I learned not to fear failure but to use it as my teacher, and I learned to step outside my comfort zone in pursuit of my dreams and desires. At Two Rivers Farm School I met my dearest friends and found my greatest mentors.”
“What does TRFS mean to me? It means adventure, courage, growth, excitement, education, connection, strength, discovery of my own abilities, and trust in myself as well as the world around me. At the farm school, I learned that I am completely capable of doing anything I set my mind to. From the farm school, I learned a sense of respect not only for my teachers but also for my classmates and the environment that surrounded me. I learned to listen; to my teachers, to my violin, and to myself and my fears, ideas and beliefs.”
“Setting the standard of no media creates a place where children can grow and develop in a safe and sacred place. The focus on music helps their brains develop fully and best. Getting out and touching nature and farm life gives the children a sense of the flow of life. For these and so many other things, I am eternally grateful for the Farm School and all the teachers who have had a hand in guiding our children. I cannot imagine a better place for them”.
-Parent of 4 Alumni
“While their learning of reading, writing, arithmetic, science, and history was important, it really was the life learning that made all the difference. They learned to trust themselves, to work out conflicts, to identify plants, to run freely, and to step into the unknown or into what they feared. They learned to preserve food, to make debris huts, to forage for mushrooms, to care for the younger children, to pick up their stuff, to be honest, to be kind, to play hard and work hard, and see themselves through the eyes of honesty and kindness. They were sheltered from a culture of consumerism and superficiality, the false images of idols, comparison, and put-downs. Mostly they experienced an oasis of being free to be children and experience the world without shame”.
-Parent of multiple Alumni